The Best Time of Day to Raft in Jackson Hole
We get a lot of questions from our guests. Some of them are kind of tough to answer! (Um… we don’t actually know why bears like huckleberries so much?) Thankfully, some questions are really easy. For instance, “What is the best time of day to raft on the Snake River?”
The answer? Whenever fits into your plan for the day!
We know you’ve got a lot on your itinerary here in Jackson Hole. There’s no shortage of awesome summer activities to pack into your vacation. That’s why here at Dave Hansen Whitewater, we offer a variety of departure times for both our scenic and whitewater float trips, which means it’s easy to find the perfect time for your group. During peak season, we offer five departure times for whitewater adventures, and three departures for our relaxing scenic floats. And every single one of them is a great choice.
Morning Trips on the Snake River
There’s something magical about the early part of the day; the light is soft, the air is fresh, and the valley’s wildlife is more often visible – even on the whitewater section of the river. A morning trip might have you out of bed a tad early, but you won’t regret it. (And don’t worry, we have plenty of gear to keep you toasty warm!) With fewer other river-runners out first thing, you can enjoy your splash-filled whitewater excitement, or your relaxing scenic float, and be back to town in time for lunch on the Town Square.
Enjoying a morning float is a great way to make sure you’ve got plenty of afternoon left to explore another slice of all the fun Jackson Hole has to offer. Maybe a trail ride? Or a hike? Or perhaps a visit to the spa is in order? No matter what your family has on the itinerary, you can fit it all in!
Lunch Floats in Jackson Hole
If a lazier morning fits your group’s pace, but you still want to make those mouthwatering dinner reservations, a lunch time float is the way to go. The weather is typically a little warmer than it is on morning floats, but we still get the chance to see a great deal of wildlife.
Our Lunch Time Scenic Float includes a brown bag lunch for each guest, and makes for one of the most unforgettable picnics you’ll ever have. Surrounded by the breathtaking mountain backdrop, it’s a great way for families to enjoy the timeless beauty of the Snake River.
If an exciting, splash-tacular whitewater float is more your style, mid-day is a stellar time to float! The air and water are both a tad warmer than on the morning float, and you’ll still be back to town with plenty of time for a shower and to get all spiffed up for a night on the town. Rodeo, anyone?
Afternoon Snake River Rafting
If your ideal river trip is full of sunshine, swimming, and splashing, then an afternoon float is the ticket. Our latest trip of the day – with a 4:45 departure time – typically has spectacular weather, and you’ll likely have the river to yourself!
It’s just the opposite of the morning float, in that it allows your group to enjoy another adventure in the morning. A beautiful, relaxing scenic float or a thrilling whitewater ride are a great way to end a day of hiking, mountain biking, or shopping in downtown Jackson Hole.
When it comes to the best time of day to float the Snake River here in Jackson Hole, the answer is simple: whenever it fits into your itinerary! No need to sacrifice other activities or plans, just pick the departure time that works best for your crew. That’s part of what makes the Snake River so awesome: there’s never a bad time to be on it!

How The Tetons Got Their Name
The Scenic Teton Mountain Range in Jackson Hole Let’s be real, we’re all here for the Tetons. Their jaw-dropping beauty and incredible recreational opportunities make them a destination for skiers, climbers, boaters, sightseers, weddings, film, and practically any other use...
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Best Time of Year To Raft
It’s a question we get all the time: what’s the best season to raft the Snake River? The answer is easy – all of them! (Okay, three of them. Snowmen don’t paddle hard enough to make good rafting buddies.) Spring,...
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