That’s right folks, if you bring your kids down the Snake River with us they could be granted the position of a Jr. Guide! All the guides at Dave Hansen Whitewater love the energy that kids can bring to a river trip, and also recognize the fact that not all kids want to sit still and be quiet through an entire 2 hour river trip. We have come up with some ways to engage your children, while educating them about guiding rivers and about the wildlife that we might see. Kids on a scenic river trip will receive an activity booklet with a word search, a wildlife bingo card, and a tally sheet for animals spotted. They will be taught how to spot eagles, and as our official eagle counters they will tally how many eagles we see on a trip (last year’s record was 23 eagles in one trip!). And then, as if all that is not exciting enough, kids will be encouraged to have a go on the oars, with the guide’s help of course. And for the more adventurous kids who are going on a whitewater trip, they will get a chance on the oars on the mellow mile and will learn a lot about safety on whitewater rafting trips. At the end of the trip, the guide will award those who participated a Dave Hansen Whitewater Jr. Guide patch that the kids will get to bring home as a memento of their river trip. Kids of all ages and abilities, come join us!

River Range Bill Passes!!
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to protect approximately 2 million acres in nine states making them off limits to oil and gas drilling. Included will be 387 miles of our Snake River in Jackson Hole and its tributaries....
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Paddle to Saddle
Ever wonder how those first cowboys must have felt riding in the mountains of Wyoming? Or how about how the first adventurers felt when they floated down the Snake River when they first came to Jackson Hole? Well now you...
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